Episode 80

Intergalactic Salmon Hatcheries with Paul Blaylock and Geoff Hylton

Published on: 1st October, 2022

Commercial fishermen and longtime friends Paul Blaylock and Geoff Hylton join me for a wild podcast where we discuss the many factors involved with living in the Pacific Northwest and working in the Natural Resources industry. We talk about the many obstacles facing the Pacific Salmon fisheries, explain some common misconceptions, and provide our best ideas for how to fix everything. We also clear up misconceptions about the aliens that are often called "The Grays" and their support of local salmon fisheries.

As fishermen and local residents, these young men have a uniquely privileged perspective into the world of fishing and fish management. It is very interesting to hear their opinions and the ways that they can clash with the common narrative.

We also talk about:

  • Fish Hatcheries, what are they? Do they work?
  • Why do farmed fish smell like pumpkins!?
  • Paul's new baby!
  • Sexual harassment in Hollywood, California.
  • Meditation for ass-health
  • How to survive a tsunami
  • Good times with the late, great Luke Jensen.

Keywords: Hood to Coast Relay; Helium Comedy Club; Portland, Oregon; Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; salmon fishing; Columbia River; Bonneville Dam; Willapa Bay; logging; Buoy 10; Bristol Bay; Climate Change; WDFW; haters production; genetics; Columbia river guide boats; charter boats; Coho Charters; Sea Breeze Charters; Sea lions; Marine Mammal Protection Act; Orca; Great White Shark; Stellar Sea Cow; Cormorant; Ecology; Arctic Terns; Salmon Habitat restoration; mesothelioma; butt health; mediation; violence, poverty, noxious weeds; gender pronouns; James Webb telescope; the grays; Elon Musk; SpaceX; male pattern baldness; Branded Bills Hats; Astoria Birth Center; elk hunting; muzzle-loader; Parmesan; shave gel; tsunami; Luke Jensen; Xbox; video games; PBS kids; Wild Krats; camping; travel; Yosemite National Park; enjoying your life.

News Links:

Pollution is Shrinking Human Penises, Science Says. Vice. March 22, 2021. Retrieved from https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5b4bq/pollution-shrinking-human-penis-sperm-count-fertility


  • The Sunny Side of the Beat, John Runefeldt.
  • Going North, John Bjork.
  • Colors of Light, Aoroa.
  • Luv, Bomull.
  • Still Fly, Revel Day.

Show Links:


Jeff Nesbitt: [:

I'm your

your host,

Jeff Nesbitt. And we've got a

a great show for you.



when this one's gonna come out, but it'll probably be somewhere right around Saturday, September 10th, 11th,

right in that

that area.


as of right now, it's Sunday,

4th. And I'm in a good mood. It's a good day. No, this is gonna be a really quick intro because the episode today is long. So yeah. Let me tell you a little bit about my week. I did hood to coast, ran hood to coast.

Uh, The

relay race this year. It's, it's

the longest relay

race in the United States. I think maybe the world, it's what they say on Wikipedia. It was the longest one in the world, but I don't always believe that it is long as fuck though.


of, uh, running.

You take turns so you don't have to run the whole thing. It's

not horrible. I

a good time. I had a really good time.

My team

was cool. I had good people in my. Shout out to my hood coast team, north jetty brew crew. And yeah, I had a really good time. I did get injured a little bit halfway through, uh, my second leg, which was at like two in the morning.

I pulled a muscle in my calf and it made it very difficult to continue.


did though. I finished just with a much slower pace overall. I was sore for a few days afterwards and that's it, but it was a really good time. I enjoyed, I enjoyed it quite a.

another new thing

that happened for the first time this week is that I traveled to Portland to interview a comedian.

It was fun.

The guy's name was Alex Falcon, and I've seen him online before. And he, I thought he

was pretty funny.

My wife ended up

me the interview and it went great. I


really good time

while I was there. I went

up there to helium comedy

club [:

night. It was really fun.

I even put in my name to get some stage time, but they didn't didn't give me any it's okay. They said that it takes a few times


let you go up, which is cool. Cuz it actually was really interesting to see.


the work and, and trying jokes and stuff. It was fun. It's the


I've ever been to a comedy show by myself.

First time I've ever been to an open mic. So it was like

the only

comedy I've seen has been professionals

and very polished. And this was definitely not that it was way more informal, but it

was really fun.

I, I had a

great night. I'm gonna go back. I'm not sure if I'm gonna go back this week,

I'm gonna try to get up there and

do some jokes.

I think it'd be.

The way that their open mic night works is that they post a list and you have to go put your name on the list.

If you wanna try to get some stage time and then an hour and a half later, they will put the list

on the wall outside. bar. So I had to go there at five, I think,

six. I

don't know. I don't [:

to go there, put my name on the list and then just wait around for

like two


And so I did

that and my plan was just to work on my material in that


And then I realized like, oh shit, my phone's at 10%.

It was kind of scary because

not scary, but I did almost get stranded in a

bad neighborhood in Portland without a phone. So I had

taken my phone with me and that

was my only

way to get

anywhere because that's where I have all my money. I didn't bring a bunch of cash and I didn't bring, I brought my ID

and my

health insurance

in case

I got hit by a bus and my. And with my phone, I was using it

get a Lyft.


call Lyft or Uber, not call. That makes me sound so old, but I get on the Lyft app, and

find a, find a ride. And then oh shit, my phone's. At 10%.

I did not plan this well. So I just turned it off and

just waited around, told time by the.

and just worked on my

material in my head.

It didn't matter. Anyway, I

didn't get a spot,


to go up and say these things to people soon.

So you better make sure they sound okay.

I liked that. I thought that was


So I'm gonna try

it again,

but we'll see how it goes. How about some news and current event? I scanned

the apple news

and most of it was not something

gave a shit about. I did see one though,

that caught

my attention.

Lisa Kudrow, the actress who became a household name in the mid nineties for her work on the NBC smash hit friends is facing some harsh criticism this week known for her brilliant portrayal of an autistic adult living on her own in New York city Kuro stole the show in America's hearts with her goofy delivery and strained relationship with social norms.

She was an American institution. I mean, who could forget smelly cat? The time she changed her name to

Consuela banana [:

or the time that she thought a cat was her mom. She was America, sweetheart. We loved Lisa Cudrow. We loved Phoebe FBS. We used to call her, but apparently.


the rudest celebrity of all time,


to Spencer, the guy off of the Hills

according to buzz feed,

which feels horrible to.


This week, Spencer Pratt made headlines after he said on TikTok

that Lisa Kudrow was the rudest celebrity he's ever


Former reality TV,

and entrepreneur, Bethany Frankel also left to comment about Lisa that's crazy.




on my talk show and I had a crazy experience.

initially, Bethany, didn't elaborate

on why she wrote that. But now Spencer's story has made headlines and Bethany

shared what

meant. So basically what happened.

It was

the time when I

were I think the same to me, [:

all the rage. And these,

these kids basically had become very famous very quickly. And now they were in Hollywood.

right? So

they were at a


And, uh, Lu

Lisa CDRE came up and she said,

Hey, you better get away from this guy. He's

serial killer eyes. I thought that was pretty funny.

This guy, Spencer, he said hands down, one of the worst humans I've ever come in contact.


By far,

he said right in front of me at a party, she tells Heidi that she needs to get away from me as fast as

possible because I'm going to murder


and that

I have serial killer eyes.



that is hilarious. So my take on this is that she was probably joking. Her deadpan delivery makes it even funnier. The guy clearly didn't know she was joking. And if she wasn't joking, it was probably a reasonable warning that chick probably should get away from

that guy. He

does have serial killer eyes.


ke, who the fuck is this guy [:

Taking all the good shit off the craft services table? He doesn't, he's not even a real Hollywood person. He's a reality star. Fuck this guy in his serial killer.


just my take, but you gotta remember that this is at a time when reality stars were

detested by the public.

Everyone was

talking shit

about 'em.


was like the Jersey shore days. We cannot hold it against Lisa Kudrow because this guy was probably completely unaware. How many people were actually talking shit behind his back.


Serial killer eyes are the least of his problems. And they're obvious everyone can see his face. She couldn't have been the only one to notice. She was just the only one brave enough and kind enough to say it to his face.


my take.

So the episode today is a doozy.

it was a pain in the

butt to make. What happened is that I had Paul scheduled, Paul Blalock.

a friend of mine from back,

back, back,

back in the day. He's also a [:

excited to

him on the show.


I got him

in here. And it happened to be on a very warm day, too warm, in fact,

and we're in a crab shed,

no ventilation up here in the

top heat rises, right. It certainly does. It got too hot. It got so hot. In fact that


lost the podcast because

the computer shut down to save itself and it died. We all were devastated because

a few minutes into

podcast, Geoff Hylton showed up

to drop off my ladder.

And I just told him, come on up. Him and Paul are

old friends too, and I thought we could have a pop in and make it, make it a threesome. It would be. Jeff was extremely hot too.

He ended


the shirt off and sweating all over the place and we made lots of jokes about that. And it was


I had a great time didn't realize

till the very end that the whole show was a waste of time.


so we tried again,

I invited Paul back. And I said, Jeff, you might as well pop back

in too. We'll just do a, do it again. Completely. Just try to do it just like we did last time

And that didn't work at all. We

didn't even really try to make it the same as the time before, because you can't lightning doesn't strike twice.

You can't


the same thing again, but it really was a struggle because something had happened to my computer and it kept crashing. So over and over again, we tried to film and crash, crash crash. So there's several starts and


and several restarts.


when all was said and done, I

think we probably recorded six

hours of content for this podcast episode and cut it down



lost a lot of it. And

it ended up making

a funny show.




Hands down the episode of

the podcast

I have spent the most time on

by far probably double the [:

It's just insane.

What I had to do to make this work was record a backup track during the actual recording


Hylton. And then I layered that track with the


my main mics. And then I had to sit there.

through the entire conversation and toggle

which speaker it was. So the entire thing is edited that way and it was really hard.


I don't know. I hope you

guys like it. I like it. I think it's cool. I think it's funny.

These guys

are the best.

We, uh,

got really drunk.


was very stressed out and

I kept drinking. Jeff and Paul

also kept drinking. It gets a little sloppy. I'll be honest. It's not appropriate for kids. If you have your children with you.

send them

away or turn this off. You don't need to have

them, uh, exposed to these drunken fools. That being said, it's pretty funny. I thought


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It's a good show.

I treat it like a therapy session. I pretty much just Ramble


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have a

good time.

I also

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it's a fun show.


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My guests [:

And I say guests


we have two Are Paul Blalock

Jr. And Jeffrey James Hylton.


two of my good buddies from back in the day. You've heard Jeff on the show. Many times he is a good friend of

Paul's as well and popped in

a little bit of a cameo.


this episode,

he talked a

little bit too much in the

half, and I had to tell him to shut up and

the second half, and it made things awkward,


know, you

live and learn.

Hosting is hard.

I'm not even

if it was

the right call. This was a hard

one. I

was very stressed and you can tell it shows in, it


a lot in the final product. So bear with me, have some patience, have

compassion and have some fun. I

love you guys. Thank you so

much for being a part of this and I'll


you soon. Enjoy the show.

Without further ado, please enjoy this wonderful podcast with the delightful and charming. Paul Blalock Jr. And Jeffrey James Hylton. You better not steal their identities.


[00:00:13] Geoff Hylton: but they won't actually be doing anything


connected to anything


Yeah It's okay


hear yourself I'll just go without okay


[00:00:34] Geoff Hylton: I think I'm uh besides Jeff I think most veteran Ramble person So I'm gonna try one without headphones this time See how


[00:00:45] Geoff Hylton: See how it goes Let's scoot a little closer


[00:00:51] Geoff Hylton: soda You I didn't know You were your soda guy soda I thought oh oh right Fucking whiskey This is gonna be interesting Cuz him and I interact completely different than the way you and I interact yeah


[00:01:04] Paul Blaylock: Yeah And touch base again Now that Jeff's here again Yeah


[00:01:26] Paul Blaylock: I couldn't focus Right That evening heat was had to be like baking a hundred in 95


[00:01:51] Paul Blaylock: day on this time It's almost like a scene from uh it was a little homoerotic What's that the vampire movie is the you know it was just shiny the right


[00:02:03] Geoff Hylton: uh thinking like interview with a vampire or more like Twilight Twilight


[00:02:07] Geoff Hylton: Completely different vampire you don't know your vampire movies I know


[00:02:11] Geoff Hylton: he's not a movie guy I need to get well versed with him You're too busy pulling animals out the ocean and killing him I know it I


[00:02:22] Paul Blaylock: In the river or did you go in the ocean I


[00:02:29] Jeff Nesbitt: Yeah I didn't ask but it looked about the we started in the river We left from Chinook and went out


[00:02:35] Jeff Nesbitt: on the big boat Yeah it was fun That's cool Also caught a bunch of fish Awesome We had to throw most of them back but the one we kept was huge 34 inches Wow


but then


[00:02:56] Geoff Hylton: they've done genetic the genetic study show that they're all Uh bread together Anyway there's not a true wild The hatchery guys click like what 70% of fins


[00:03:57] Geoff Hylton: any sense You know the trouble comes into play is that salmon are so sensitive to being hooked There's a couple things that happen They once you they're in a stress situation like biting a hook and being on the end of a line they release a toxin into their body which Large enough amounts kills them if you land them and you disrupt the slime on their bodies that will kill 'em Um what does that slime


[00:04:22] Paul Blaylock: keeping wet so Sealy skin disease


[00:04:28] Paul Blaylock: sensitive Yeah Waterborne diseases gonna


[00:04:34] Paul Blaylock: that which well the mortality rate I mean so actually I saw


[00:04:39] Paul Blaylock: 14 50 years old research paper that was you know my junior research paper right Was Was was on that Uhhuh And and I actually got hung up on twice representatives from Washington about it really because I you know I had some insight I mean I had been charter fishing too you know and seen it on both ends sport and commercial you know and my point was is you know they they told me at the time that their guest their educated guest was a 20% mortality rate for release fish And I you know I said okay well if that is your number why why are you What's the point you're you're you're telling me now you know 20% of those fish that they're being released or dying So is is that not a waste what's wrong with first co first kept is that you know think about pollution on the water Think about time safety think about you know the the release of those fish And if you even consider 20% mortality which I can tell That seems low Not a lot of people know how to release a fish properly You have to do it right away right Yeah You can you don't wanna land them fish outta the water you can't and just but even then there's a toxin even catching it You know it sends that fish into a frenzy Uh there's so many different odds and ends that can


[00:05:51] Paul Blaylock: Come it's silly you know Uh and it always has been and it doesn't make any sense you know Well I've thought


[00:06:21] Jeff Nesbitt: very smart analysis Haven't thought about that


[00:06:40] Paul Blaylock: fish back when there was nothing but charter The thing that I


[00:07:18] Paul Blaylock: all the management management on a a big level right Is you know in my opinion it seems to


[00:07:32] Jeff Nesbitt: Could they do both


year you


[00:08:54] Paul Blaylock: He's an built his own boat He's an amazing fisherman up there man He's got out to a tee him and this other


[00:09:09] Paul Blaylock: of those guys fishing It's it's nuts They they'll set their net at 35 knots you know on


[00:09:46] Paul Blaylock: And that was you know I think it could be pulled back My point I was you know was was going to is is that that the fishermen up there are getting better and better and better The the scores every year are getting better and better The runs are getting bigger and bigger I mean these runs that they're having up Uh you know it's it seems like the excuses we hear down here are are nowhere near correlated They don't correlate with you Don't hear those excuses up there and and it's all in the same you know it all happens in the same What kind of excuses Well I think global warming's been a big one you know and you hear that a lot around here that that has such a difference in what's been happening around here But I mean I personally believe that you know uh when you see big salmon runs you you see it in the Columbia There's a lot of things a lot of you know stars aligning right I mean there's uh um there's so many things that have changed from back when those salmon runs were good till now you know I mean yeah Our our hatchers have lost funding I mean they shut in hatchery down you know


[00:10:50] Geoff Hylton: huge there's just not enough fish to be Uh throwing fish back that died nearly like that's just ridiculous to


[00:11:01] Geoff Hylton: proven that there's no true native and there's no true like those foreign fish that got released up into the sand Juan Oh man Yeah Two years later they do genetic testing and found out that all those Atlantic salmon had suddenly bred with Uh Pacific salmon to make a hybrid you know and those farm salmon are are aliens They're we used them for crab bait with J all the time Remember they smell like bunks smells like cantaloupe Their face is all smashed up It's like a it's that color orange Yeah It's not good Looking the meat is is muy don't eat farm I would I wouldn't touch it And now those have bred with the the wild stock and they're telling us not to worry about that but they're letting they're they're all


[00:11:43] Paul Blaylock: So at this point in so in which ways you know


[00:11:54] Paul Blaylock: should hatch fish When you when you put hatchers on a river you know there's no such thing anymore right You're affecting the population pretty dramatically


[00:12:04] Paul Blaylock: well you know another thing around here too bring it in is if you notice over the last decade probably the amount of uh you know you see a lot more guide boats up and down this way you do and they're not held to the same standards as a charter you know they don't they don't they don't report their catch which is a big one You know they got six people on their boat How are they even any different than Well they aren't you know they profit from taking somebody out fishing They profit from the resource charter fishing They have to buy a permit you know they're they they have to buy a permit from the state to even be allowed to go fishing you know and they have to have they have a pole limit per boat you know and all those things that is required in the charter world that the guide the guides aren't aren't required to which know I think that's a uh something that should be changed here by time You know there's too many guides there's too many guides that not being they should the numbers need to be known daily what they're catching because a lot of the numbers that you know the state comes up with are are definitely well And from an


[00:13:42] Paul Blaylock: Yep Good old Butch Can't beat you Can't beat them out to I think I'm alright How was your day dude

Did you practice


you got to the point yesterday where actually uh did three sprints I was like I'm gonna show you run down there fast You can get ready and turn around It's like if I'm gonna defender and I see one of you guys over here going like this look at my lips dude I'm gonna eat you for dinner but it's uh they don't know They haven't been exposed to any of that stuff So it's just gonna take it's just gonna take time I'm just gonna keep pounding the same messages into their head I hope it sticks I have a different technique to like mooch Mooch is same old yelling all that kind of stuff Yeah I was talking to Colten today when he came fishing at the lake and he was like mooch yells all this stuff He's like do you yell I was like mm not gonna yell Yeah Uh if that's what it takes like I want the kids to learn how to be self motivated


[00:15:22] Geoff Hylton: I'm not here to drag you along through this I got stuff I can show you guys and stuff I can help you guys But if you're not even trying you wanna learn there's no point in us even Yeah


[00:15:38] Geoff Hylton: already a couple

and um but some of 'em got rough Rough home lives and

I know


[00:15:47] Geoff Hylton: live


[00:15:53] Geoff Hylton: uh anyway the burning quit after I took that medication a couple weeks so I wouldn't about it I could be fine


[00:16:01] Geoff Hylton: good ones Good one


[00:16:05] Jeff Nesbitt: yeah I'm getting the the about that guys


no no no you're


Is this the first three


[00:16:21] Paul Blaylock: Um is there middle name to you The same initial It is Isn't it don't know


[00:16:29] Geoff Hylton: is

that his middle name

I think that's first time I've heard his middle name


[00:16:39] Jeff Nesbitt: Nobody better steal his identity or I'll be pissed


[00:16:46] Jeff Nesbitt: No we're that was fine I got it I think I kept it Okay


[00:16:51] Geoff Hylton: Yeah But you saw the those this was five or six years ago I think they took two dams up out up by Washington Yeah And they predicted it would take man I can't remember what they said it would they thought it would take several several years Maybe even up to 10 for the salmon run to come back Yeah Next year


Well I tell you man



[00:17:17] Jeff Nesbitt: How do you think that works Like so if there's no habitat because it's been blocked so there's been no salmon runs for God knows how long 50 years Yeah And then they take the blockage out restore the habitat What where were those salmon that come back They


well they haven't figured out how they get to the Like the strange they've

left They still don't know how they do that So how

how some fish decided to go up there is beyond me They're just like oh we're gonna go here to a place that we've never ever been before Uh because I thought




forever It's



[00:18:06] Geoff Hylton: got triggered


their brain freshwater when they charges like you see up in Bristol bay when they decide to go oh Hey nothing they're going


[00:18:22] Geoff Hylton: ladders


got an issue


[00:18:37] Paul Blaylock: Yeah


they exactly

there's just an overpopulation


you just


[00:18:46] Geoff Hylton: I keep waiting for the

or and great whites to start showing up more And there's they've been back the last couple years Uh or there's been more ORs here Somebody just saw great white recently offshore


[00:19:03] Geoff Hylton: sea lines think

A lot of these

sea lines are stellar sea lines from California Yeah And years 30 years ago whatever A couple of 'em figured it out And there was a massive wave of up well I think the same thing's gonna happen with the great whites in new Yorkers They're gonna figure out that there's big


[00:19:22] Geoff Hylton: I

believe I've heard about that Yeah Kind of like a um I didn't a dugong type


Yes They had like a weird face mm-hmm yeah We killed Could have been killed them all mermaid I don't even know if we ate them I think we might have just killed them because they were easy to


[00:19:37] Geoff Hylton: Gosh Well think that's well that's kind of what's happened with the manatees They just sit there in these Florida canals and Florida canals are lined with houses

now So it's


[00:19:47] Geoff Hylton: stellar


[00:19:49] Geoff Hylton: But if you started the fact that can't get a sea lion off your boat


[00:19:55] Geoff Hylton: there's there's there's just they've let 'em go too far They've let 'em go way too far And if you they're smart they're aware if you if they realize that they were not untouchable

anymore Yeah They'd act different


[00:20:44] Geoff Hylton: body


[00:20:45] Geoff Hylton: I


numbers but


Wait it's

either I think it's


[00:20:56] Geoff Hylton: ants


because that's how


with their breed or


[00:21:12] Geoff Hylton: two and a

half pounds

per and


[00:21:23] Paul Blaylock: ed per


[00:21:27] Jeff Nesbitt: well the

statistics those

two birds can


[00:21:32] Jeff Nesbitt: Yeah I know But the baby bird's not flying around hunting I know Still consuming So it should be


That's why we say two I I'm just reporting to how the article



they're dumb


[00:21:42] Paul Blaylock: breed pair Which is is a crazy number really if you consider how small they are and and what they you know how many there are I mean they transplanted those into this area or they I think they brought a with time I mean isn't that what they were doing with the Chinook island or whatever that I think that was Arctic

turns Yeah Arctic




also big

and they might need and they eat one and three quarters pound per especially


[00:22:08] Paul Blaylock: Oh There's there's a lot of


To the mouth

of the Chinook


Let's let's list Let's say that stay salmon resting area Like they


[00:22:26] Paul Blaylock: on No


correct me




[00:22:29] Paul Blaylock: this hashtag no days off


a lull They they go in


[00:23:07] Jeff Nesbitt: those but is there a chance that they're just calling it a salmon resting area and it's actually just

removing a blockage


[00:23:32] Jeff Nesbitt: happened That was probably like what Five 2005


[00:23:41] Jeff Nesbitt: was fucking pissed and it took forever


[00:23:51] Geoff Hylton: restoration


[00:23:52] Paul Blaylock: That

was actually a part of that project They opened that one up restoration You know but that's not the same right It's not a salmon you know there's the the the quotations on but the money


[00:24:11] Paul Blaylock: I just don't why you know well you hear at which time and and I haven't done a lot of research into it lately cuz it's just something I've kind of just you know left But uh you know our our hatchery I mean why aren't our hatchery going full tilt Every one of our hatchery going full tilt I really don't know You know it doesn't that doesn't make sense to me you know I'm gonna get the money Well that's where you know we can find money to do certain project but why are hatchery not going


till I heard the Gray's were pumping money in to get this one going The Gray's the aliens were private uh privately put money into

this one to get


them And Hey shout out to them if they're doing that cuz that's amazing Seriously Who


fuck is the

Gray's the Gray's


Steve and Lance


[00:24:56] Geoff Hylton: internet Well they

don't really

didn't wanna get too


[00:24:59] Geoff Hylton: my


the Gray's is something that people call aliens







[00:25:51] Paul Blaylock: but you know your quota


with the doesn't have anything to do with the amount of


[00:26:02] Geoff Hylton: quota low They could keep the quota low They could


[00:26:15] Geoff Hylton: I think I am right I think I am Right I think that has something to do with it Um


[00:26:21] Geoff Hylton: on it what's where's the salmon around gonna be in 50


[00:26:25] Geoff Hylton: I


[00:26:26] Paul Blaylock: theory It Doesn't like years No that makes really good sense You have




[00:26:51] Jeff Nesbitt: yeah you could I don't know In the long run it it would make sense to try to preserve the economic influx that comes from the they


less and preserve the run a little more There's something there's a better balance


[00:27:05] Geoff Hylton: a bit than what they're than what I'm seeing it's not I think they could keep the sport guys catching some I think they keep the commercial guys catching some but like full


the waste Well the big one is too is you know


[00:27:18] Geoff Hylton: got first kept and let em catch their same amount of


[00:27:43] Geoff Hylton: a lot of funding like every sport license is funding going for


[00:28:04] Geoff Hylton: then they don't harvest any of the any of the Gill netters catch the coho run and will

bay that's problem And then all the fish make it up river and they put 'em on trucks and send 'em up wherever the hell


sent 'em


[00:28:21] Geoff Hylton: massive coho runs in the Willow and they're not letting the



[00:28:26] Geoff Hylton: but they're still


[00:28:49] Jeff Nesbitt: chum chum salmon run on




the state doesn't let you do that Well so what happened was is back then they got this run to just start producing dogs wide open chum salmon wide open and the state says Hey you guys are doing great We'll take it from here You know And I mean this is just what I was told I don't know how you know you know how true it all is but uh from the sounds they did it and you know they did it on their own Because the Willapa to be such an awesome for salmon and it still is in a lot of ways I mean the Willowall is a great resource for salmon you know And uh it it had multiple species of salmon you know and and there might have been a natural run back in the day I'm I'm not a hundred percent sure You


[00:29:46] Jeff Nesbitt: I I don't know yeah I don't think anybody really knows who wasn't there I don't think they just


[00:30:19] Jeff Nesbitt: resource initiative wait what is the uh watershed resource Inventory area number 24 Gotcha That's the that's



number Yeah You know and that The Willow pot itself is is an awesome resource And and that should be thriving in so many ways because if dams are the issues then well what's the Willow paws Excuse you know what I mean Like there's there's there's other things that should be in place there logging you know well you know hatchery too they cut funding to uh there's a hatchery on the NEMA There's a hatchery in the Naselle you know the bear river doesn't that's so that's there's there's been cut There's been funding cut in those places and it doesn't you why you know those are places that those were places would thrive because it's so UN molested there You think the money if you wanted do it there that would be a good place to to put money Yeah For a future you know because it would keep going It really would you know Yeah Speaking of UN


[00:31:12] Geoff Hylton: I don't wanna talk about it


[00:31:15] Jeff Nesbitt: I I won't there Oh man Okay So a lot Anybody who's not directly involved in the fisheries has probably by now tuned out if you had a magic wand that you could fix it What would you do Would it be policy or would you make like if you had it had let's say it had to be Like you have to make a law some kind of law or regulation quota or some kind of a legal trick to fix the fishery and make it ideal in a perfect world Money is no object






[00:31:55] Geoff Hylton: simple things I do right off the bat is I'd increase hatch production And I would go to first cop first kept with the sport guys



[00:32:07] Geoff Hylton: I'd keep the runs period patch production increased I'd keep the Uh I'd combine the sport and the commercial quota into one and I'd keep it out fixed rate until the run showed improvement And then I'd slowly allow a little more to be caught And yeah Um


[00:32:28] Paul Blaylock: Hatcheries


[00:32:30] Paul Blaylock: they're producing

Yeah I I mean you know the the big picture of all if you don't produce those salmon you know the dynamic has changed so much There's so many more people harvesting these


that goes on in the Northwest You're

not gonna stop He's


[00:32:48] Geoff Hylton: but

but these are factors that you can't where I'm getting to is that these are factors that you wouldn't be able to do anything about like that aren't gonna change The log is not gonna stop the dams Aren't gonna go anywhere The pollution that happens in the Columbia like hopefully it improves true but it's still there But and to fix those things to even have an impact on those things would take time but you could right now Go first cop first cap stop fish from dying needlessly out here Like a bunch of them died



[00:33:19] Geoff Hylton: And you could increase hatchery production uh if it had funding immediately start doing


[00:33:38] Geoff Hylton: And I would try to keep the commercial guys and the sport guys both equally unhappy


[00:33:46] Jeff Nesbitt: keeps 'em talking




[00:33:58] Geoff Hylton: you



it's everybody

I want people to go out there and catch some fish but like


[00:34:03] Geoff Hylton: don't need to go out

there and


next year too And the year




[00:34:21] Geoff Hylton: going on this conversation I'm gonna need a drink I


[00:34:27] Geoff Hylton: whiskey's what I was gonna have isn't you don't have anything else





up that Shout out


[00:34:49] Geoff Hylton: Shout out to Brie condos yesterday I pulled her out of the gym to look at Chase's eye who Marie condo Brie condos at the vet Uh I drove home saw her and her boyfriend Josh were at the gym got home chased His eye was all fucked up called her right away And she answered And I said I know you're at the gym but can will you take a look at Chase's eye for me See if I need to make an appointment I drove down there She walked right out Bug the shit out of her Same uh Mary McDonald's good for that too but I tend to bug Bree more cuz she seems to care less


and they


job and they're always if you sending 'em something a message on Instagram or something you having a question they're always willing to




[00:35:41] Jeff Nesbitt: Yeah

know I've already told this story about my dead dog twice but I might tell it a third


Oh wow Yeah


[00:35:52] Geoff Hylton: No more dead dogs


[00:35:59] Geoff Hylton: something


[00:36:03] Paul Blaylock: Yeah You they are But uh there was a reason for it


[00:36:24] Paul Blaylock: like you've been looking at me in the eyes


[00:36:31] Paul Blaylock: Buffalo

trace I really like that Whistle pig I tell you what


[00:36:40] Geoff Hylton: I got


[00:36:42] Geoff Hylton: trying Hey if I wanted to hear you talk I would shove my hand up your ass and move your mouth Like a puppet


[00:36:55] Geoff Hylton: I don't I

told you I don't yell

at those


[00:36:57] Jeff Nesbitt: yelling is is not


It's definitely the dynamic has changed you know Uh it really has They


[00:37:10] Geoff Hylton: It might get him to like move faster in the short term but who cares It's not it doesn't accomplish what I want it to accomplish You're

flooding them with

cortisol I am trying to convince them they can





[00:37:27] Geoff Hylton: the

whiskey I tend to say passive aggressive condescending remarks


[00:37:31] Geoff Hylton: the way to go


[00:37:52] Paul Blaylock: sure sure


[00:37:53] Paul Blaylock: So I yeah I think your bluntness says you know it's direct enough right I mean it always has been it seems like yeah You know


[00:38:04] Geoff Hylton: Alyssa is a beast by the way she she had this baby and then you drug her halfway across the street a state in a trailer Yeah And then she got back from that and you go make her sleep in a tent

on the



[00:38:17] Geoff Hylton: say if you like then she to put a ring on it


[00:38:25] Jeff Nesbitt: I did


same thing Paul don't feel bad Yeah You know we had a newborn baby we rented an RV and took a cross road trip



[00:38:36] Geoff Hylton: you

also put a


[00:38:46] Geoff Hylton: been speaking on it for years and still ain't listening



another bachelor party I'm not getting married anytime soon If we're gonna do another bachelor party it's gotta come from you


[00:38:57] Jeff Nesbitt: the strip club or or hire strippers your bachelor


[00:39:02] Geoff Hylton: with him ever again


[00:39:13] Jeff Nesbitt: talk about that a little So we rented an Airbnb up at Mount hood Mount hood Yeah And it was


[00:39:27] Jeff Nesbitt: we cooked a delicious meal What


[00:39:43] Jeff Nesbitt: I honestly don't remember I'm trying think of it and I feel like I might have even brought something but I don't remember what


[00:39:49] Geoff Hylton: Brussel sprout I cooked some


[00:39:52] Geoff Hylton: are

good too Yeah Whatever


[00:39:59] Geoff Hylton: there

We started that Yeah like


[00:40:02] Geoff Hylton: shit face two 30 in the morning


[00:40:06] Geoff Hylton: yeah

we did potatoes and but then the first night we had there we had surf turf We had crab and




[00:40:13] Jeff Nesbitt: crab Did I not bring anything I feel like I brought something and





[00:40:24] Geoff Hylton: too before bought a bunch of


right I speaking of you can't take Alex M anywhere in Vancouver even what motherfucker making five people like well how do we know people here You know it's you know you met his distant relative I don't remember exactly but it seemed like he can't just go I out real quick and get outta there you know No we just Yeah He makes friends quick everywhere man He


turn it off


[00:40:51] Paul Blaylock: new child

Hey I'll be I'll toast that


[00:40:57] Paul Blaylock: podcast

So I'm gonna sit


[00:41:05] Paul Blaylock: Pull it back





[00:41:09] Paul Blaylock: James Blalock ever James what is her name If you still


will be so


[00:41:19] Geoff Hylton: Don't steal Jeff Hiltons either


[00:41:24] Geoff Hylton: balls


[00:41:27] Paul Blaylock: steal

his identity Yeah I So we


[00:41:35] Paul Blaylock: do that first No

go ahead That identity gonna talk about your was a uh um yeah go ahead You're a


you're Paul Yes Yes You're Paul junior It's a family name clearly And your middle name too right


[00:42:06] Jeff Nesbitt: your middle name and my first name More paired together We could make like the name of a great law firm or insurance company Stanton mil Stanton and Millington

Millington Yeah

That's Stanton Stanton and Millington law If you have mesothelioma they're gonna call Stanton and Millington


[00:42:30] Jeff Nesbitt: the lost episode the sweaty episode you uh talked some mad shit on the thirds Yeah You talked about how you didn't name your kid Paul the third because you People with the thirds pieces of shit And generally can't read all these things you said so many things Yeah They


[00:42:48] Geoff Hylton: I we


[00:42:50] Geoff Hylton: bit

I think we should give Eddie a chance to respond to that



[00:42:52] Paul Blaylock: Jeff Get it right Edwin Nick no I decided not to to carry that on sure


[00:42:58] Paul Blaylock: is he No no I didn't not


[00:43:11] Paul Blaylock: works Eddie win Eddie win win win like it but no


[00:43:22] Paul Blaylock: No I never uh I don't know I just figured that was a mouthful So you know um



last time


[00:43:38] Jeff Nesbitt: that's it That's I've always known about it People people don't know how to react when I tell 'em that I have that


third I didn't actually know until you told me the other day that was kind of white trash royalty yeah I actually that's something uh um I had no clue about you know you said uh and you said was it your is it your grandfather My




[00:44:08] Jeff Nesbitt: Um no I think that Stanton was his mom's maiden name And they wanted to keep the name going well That's that's cool Wow I never really thought much about that before but what a fucking feminist Yeah What a move What a move like oh I gotta lose my name I'm gonna name my son that like



[00:44:28] Jeff Nesbitt: but yeah so I've never gone by my first name because a strange name and it's not really a first name It's a last Sure sure But Hey it works on the internet That's who I Yeah Doctor's offices you know law firm Stanton and Millington law


[00:45:02] Jeff Nesbitt: All right We're 30 minutes in I'm going to save this and start another Let's do it


[00:45:13] Geoff Hylton: Yeah Oh yeah Very observant of Paul


[00:45:18] Geoff Hylton: I thought Hawkinson would be too big of a word for you to read


[00:45:33] Geoff Hylton: at you


[00:45:47] Geoff Hylton: I don't know funds word I would used to describe that It's hard Fuck Do you remember It was an experience that hold on You gotta start that over We got it through what


[00:45:56] Jeff Nesbitt: remember that football camp Hold on Ready And action


[00:46:11] Geoff Hylton: took too many pillow hits to the hit


[00:46:19] Geoff Hylton: No me and Benny had an epic pillow fight there and he

got mad




the only junior high kids


For some reason Why didn't


[00:46:38] Paul Blaylock: I don't


[00:46:40] Paul Blaylock: Yeah I don't think it was either


[00:46:42] Geoff Hylton: me No Lamb was a coach


[00:46:44] Paul Blaylock: didn't know him Um Yeah That's CJ touched on him a little bit You know you must


[00:46:51] Jeff Nesbitt: He CJ touched on him Yeah What do that Exactly


[00:47:04] Geoff Hylton: Kenry is around right now You know about McKintry is in town


[00:47:08] Geoff Hylton: He's been in town I saw him at the that's Cool I went in the Depot the other day and

I don't think he recognized me but uh


[00:47:15] Jeff Nesbitt: everybody recognizes

You said that's mad Sometimes people don't have time for a big conversation but everybody recognizes



knows that when they talk to me that's what they're gonna get the big conversation


[00:47:26] Jeff Nesbitt: it

Doesn't a lot of people just don't wanna risk it Yeah


you're gonna get out of it


[00:47:34] Jeff Nesbitt: Well they don't

know that though People who know me do it Yeah I do But I don't even I don't know when I hear you walk into the Depot short


[00:47:43] Jeff Nesbitt: that's definitely

about that


[00:47:46] Jeff Nesbitt: the Depot Yes You would say a word I'd give you the nod


[00:47:51] Jeff Nesbitt: than ma'am nod


[00:47:55] Jeff Nesbitt: I be I


wife Probably



[00:48:02] Paul Blaylock: which is you know kind of shitty cuz you know we had a whole episode You


[00:48:10] Geoff Hylton: it really didn't take it off for any other like it was


hot up here It was that scary you know it was it was it was


enough for me hot to take a personal day the next day and go buy an air that's and was


[00:48:21] Jeff Nesbitt: install it


[00:48:27] Jeff Nesbitt: you feel thetaint felt a lot of tapes in this day Speaking oftaints are you guys concerned about these shrinking tats Yeah


All right

Shrinking TAs





[00:48:46] Geoff Hylton: taint is not as big as it was five years ago


[00:48:51] Geoff Hylton: We've been close Paul I


[00:48:58] Jeff Nesbitt: TA


Ladies and gentlemen here listening if you're not measuring your Yeah What are you



[00:49:09] Jeff Nesbitt: It's true And you're telomeres That's actually That's that a

correlation Anything Anything maybe not but the telomeres is actually real What's one should we Google this taint and see if if we're just spreading misinformation or


This was written by Jaishree Kumar, and was published on March 22nd, 2021.

By now, we all know that humans have done a fair bit to fuck up our planet.

Pollution—that big bad wolf that is the result of many of our activities—has messed up not just our lives but that of other creatures we share this planet with too.

It has damaged Polar Bears' dicks, and given limp penises to otters.

Now though, completing the circle of life itself, it’s coming for human erections too.

A much-discussed new book by Dr Shanna H. Swan—a renowned environmental and reproductive epidemiologist—ties the use of industrial chemicals in everyday products to smaller penises, lower sperm counts and erectile dysfunction. The wordy title and subtitle of the book itself sounds like a warning bell we can’t afford to ignore...

Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race.

So, it would appear that these whiskey-soaked fools got at least one thing right...

Back to the show!


[00:50:35] Jeff Nesbitt: a telomeres are a they're something I don't remember.


Each time a cell divides, the telomeres lose a small amount of DNA and become shorter. Over time, the chromosomes become damaged and the cells die. Because of this correlation, the length of one's telomeres can be used to infer that person's biological age.

But the length of them they can measure the length of them And it'll tell you what your biological age is opposed to your chronological


[00:51:04] Jeff Nesbitt: Like growth


[00:51:06] Jeff Nesbitt: tree huh

Similar Yeah Wow Except like you can be your biological age can be 25 even though you're actually 35 chronologically


[00:51:16] Jeff Nesbitt: Yeah





[00:51:25] Geoff Hylton: That's how I feel the opposite of what you just said Yeah I feel like my body's got high mileage on it


say so I am 33 chronologically I'm 33 biologically but I identify as 43


[00:51:43] Geoff Hylton: sounds like a him he them



I don't care them I think it's really to me it's really just about getting the right information across So I don't if if somebody gives me the wrong pronoun being a man I don't really feel offended by it I'll be confused Yeah Like wouldn't that be really funny If uh people just started misgendering men on Yeah I think

definitely in the same way that it




[00:52:10] Jeff Nesbitt: Yeah


[00:52:11] Geoff Hylton: I mean try it out


[00:52:17] Jeff Nesbitt: little role


[00:52:17] Jeff Nesbitt: simple sheet Let's do a little role play


[00:52:21] Jeff Nesbitt: Okay how about this I'm the noxious weed representative in your area Indeed You're a landowner You have noxious weeds on your property Okay Okay That are restricted You're not supposed to have these weeds Boy do I ever and then I I show up and I'm snooping around and you are in your house and you see me out the window My lights are on my truck is pulled up and it's still running and I'm out snooping around in your yard What do you do You come on out Let's and action Hey Oh you're mad You're mad


[00:52:52] Paul Blaylock: okay You're pissed Hey God Damnit oh hi



you buddy Oh I'm sorry Ma'am uh hold on a second Let me get my ID Here you go What's your name Jeff yours Hi Jeff How are you doing today My name is Jeff also I'm a I'm a local uh local government employee I'm here Just to check on your your little ecology situation here it looks like looks like you've been uh getting some noxious weeds growing in your in your yard here Ma'am I'm I was wondering if maybe you've had anybody talk to you about possibly getting those controlled


[00:53:31] Jeff Nesbitt: I

see Tanzi rag ward I see GOs I see scotch I see all the

big ones


[00:53:38] Jeff Nesbitt: take absolutely ma'am


[00:53:42] Jeff Nesbitt: but what


[00:53:45] Jeff Nesbitt: uh





[00:53:56] Geoff Hylton: I'm clearly not address for company being a naked and such


[00:54:02] Jeff Nesbitt: It's a he's wearing a sheer robe


[00:54:04] Geoff Hylton: Another reason why I'm confused Like does he keep calling me man


[00:54:07] Geoff Hylton: a friend with me


[00:54:10] Geoff Hylton: I don't know if you notice that on the role play right


[00:54:12] Jeff Nesbitt: imagine if you are you too I assume you're a couple


he's Butch whoa whoa whoa


[00:54:20] Jeff Nesbitt: He's definitely a top We went there at the very

least He's a power bottom


[00:54:27] Paul Blaylock: I'm just the innocent


[00:54:28] Paul Blaylock: over here Just you know



the game


[00:54:39] Paul Blaylock: it wasn't the Fisher


[00:54:40] Paul Blaylock: any means It was definitely not the fishing


[00:54:47] Paul Blaylock: We ain't gonna give him credit




[00:54:55] Jeff Nesbitt: really Well Not

as bad cuz he was getting laid

Yeah Everybody



[00:55:05] Jeff Nesbitt: I don't think you're any of those things Paul


[00:55:11] Jeff Nesbitt: Actually no you were


[00:55:17] Malcolm: This is the point in the podcast when the whiskey really starts to kick in.

I'd like to apologize on behalf of Jeff and the guys for the following segment before things get too out-of-hand. Due to its fowl and offensive nature, the next hour of the podcast may not be suitable for sensitive listeners. Please use discretion and don't listen with your kids. These young men are intoxicated and trying to make eachother, as well as you, the audience, laugh. Oftentimes they take a shot that doesn't land. Its painful to hear. Cringy, I think is what the kids call it.

They say many things that could be considered inappropriate for listeners who are young, immature, or especially sensitive to salty language and hypothetical situations involving sexual scenarios and risky behaviors.

Please rest assured... These are all just jokes, every bit of it. Calm down, Karen.

Thank you for understanding.


[00:56:03] Paul Blaylock: I appreciate




[00:56:21] Jeff Nesbitt: that motherfucker

really And you guys are mad for longer than just like a little




[00:56:27] Geoff Hylton: sometimes Yeah And we're both super stubborn


[00:56:36] Geoff Hylton: Multiple times

Most of our consternation comes from siding Just being just from me in this situation Most of it comes from the both of us these situations where I think he's in the wrong and he thinks I'm in the wrong Most of the time with you and me I'm just


[00:56:57] Geoff Hylton: said I'm


[00:56:59] Geoff Hylton: what


didn't say I'm not saying that I'm just saying that I'm always wrong


As far as the troubles that we've had the valleys have usually been a result of me Not so


Yeah Well it's sustained pretty well So I think it's it's working





we've worked together I mean you and I worked together a little bit but it's different when you're out on the boat together


[00:57:24] Geoff Hylton: It's just you get


[00:57:25] Geoff Hylton: a little brotherhood


[00:57:27] Geoff Hylton: a

little bit


[00:57:27] Jeff Nesbitt: Paul

was telling me earlier you you never showed up late So it's definitely


[00:57:32] Geoff Hylton: sure I'm sure I showed up late That's not like me to show up on time




[00:57:44] Jeff Nesbitt: He'll probably be sleeping on on the boat Ain't gonna be late Yeah How is your butt




across any domain


[00:57:59] Geoff Hylton: run into trouble but uh


[00:58:02] Geoff Hylton: up long enough now to where I think I'm I think there's actually some healing going on I'm trying to let it heal while I still do some stuff But like I still can't squat below parallel There's certain movements I can't push There's like a certain abdominal pressure I can't apply and I feel it Um but it's getting better


[00:58:20] Geoff Hylton: I'm just trying not take a big step back


[00:58:24] Geoff Hylton: Alaska I'm trying I'm trying to actually like progress


[00:58:28] Geoff Hylton: Yeah More you take it


[00:58:30] Geoff Hylton: It's more annoying than anything but it could lead


[00:58:33] Geoff Hylton: You


[00:58:35] Jeff Nesbitt: back


[00:58:35] Jeff Nesbitt: have I mean what do you do for as health


[00:58:41] Jeff Nesbitt: do you meditate




you meditate for as health




if you're doing it for as health that's the place




I just had high mileage on my colon


[00:58:58] Geoff Hylton: Colon of an 80 year old man


[00:59:01] Paul Blaylock: No



[00:59:07] Jeff Nesbitt: I would never have

said that if you had I have

harassed my friend



[00:59:13] Track 1: too


[00:59:16] Jeff Nesbitt: Jeff my ass bleeds a little bit every day and I feel for you every time I see it every time I see it I think of you and it's from the gay


[00:59:26] Jeff Nesbitt: Yes


[00:59:31] Paul Blaylock: that was that Just to



problems are no way shape or form related to anything homosexual or


[00:59:41] Geoff Hylton: well I have


[00:59:43] Geoff Hylton: it in the butt but it was medically induced which


she might be

well the world accepts it The world has accepted Now I wouldn't I wouldn't

be afraid the




afraid Could you imagine It'd be endless It'd be great Especially



Oh God I don't picture you being a bottom


[01:00:30] Geoff Hylton: You like being




[01:00:35] Jeff Nesbitt: Jesus I don't I could picture it It doesn't look good but I can picture it I


[01:00:42] Paul Blaylock: this shit Somebody




[01:00:52] Paul Blaylock: Jeff that grown I don't know You said


Because I think it would hurt my butt is why I said that I don't think


[01:01:02] Jeff Nesbitt: I

can imagine it Yes Whew I'm I'm thinking about getting camera injected into my as you should do



better do


thing Have you seen these these on TikTok They sell these cameras that are they're generally for ears like for getting ear waxed out but they've got a little scraping device on the end and you just kind of slide it on in So


[01:01:24] Paul Blaylock: So

why are you considered she a


wouldn't you not want a scrapy thing on the end of the thing you're pulling out Cause you don't




[01:01:38] Jeff Nesbitt: your prostate Yeah Yeah have you ever explored the area Paul what about you You're the

guest uh


[01:01:49] Jeff Nesbitt: Yeah

Oh I be What do you do Like a pelvic floor massage or anything like that No I just you don't try to strengthen


muscles Uh no I I I definitely am Uh no as far as that stuff goes yeah I just try and move


[01:02:02] Geoff Hylton: I can feel it when it starts wanting to bleed or tear or whatever So I just push up until that point and then I try and stay


[01:02:10] Geoff Hylton: close to that point as I can for as long as I can And then I'm like I've trained I'm not lifting heavy at all anymore I'm not squatting heavy I'm still doing like heavy cleans and stuff but it's all power Like I I'm keeping everything above parallel Um and it's getting better




[01:02:29] Jeff Nesbitt: that's probably a good


[01:02:35] Jeff Nesbitt: dude I bet the technology is okay


[01:02:39] Paul Blaylock: Well Yeah You and I had a conversation about that I mean there's there's knows

be you know


[01:02:46] Paul Blaylock: well that's thing you know with time I mean shit shit's come so far year to year I mean Jesus Christ technology you know yeah I mean it's uh shit technology shit technology Exactly Yeah I mean it is it's year to year you know uh with what what can happen I mean what they're using what they use they use pig arteries for for uh transplants or what you know they use uh animal artery valves


[01:03:12] Jeff Nesbitt: They do poop trans


[01:03:18] Jeff Nesbitt: The


[01:03:21] Paul Blaylock: official I get one every Thursday Yeah


[01:03:26] Jeff Nesbitt: really Yeah How long you do that I don't know couple months I just find a homeless guy in the park Who


[01:03:35] Paul Blaylock: I just I feel like if wait wait wait wait wait wait fill me in here Um you wanna try a little bit mine Not literally an experiment huh a sh Shit transplants like people are


shit I do in the park with homeless Okay And so like the homeless guy will one of these other homeless guys get some of the on his and then he'll put it in my Wow with with dirty


[01:03:59] Jeff Nesbitt: dirty

mic in the boys dirty mic


[01:04:06] Geoff Hylton: I don't even have




[01:04:11] Jeff Nesbitt: be going


[01:04:12] Jeff Nesbitt: shit No but in reality uh fecal fecal transplants they do 'em because you microbiome the bacteria that lives in your gut so you're not doing it That was


was a joke



know but just


please Yeah So they take they take the shit and bet you donor Yeah And then they put it on I dunno the end of a finger or um tongue hopefully maybe a ton and place it in the ass of the recipient and then it it takes root way


it you know shit way deep in the deep So shit the shit


[01:04:50] Jeff Nesbitt: they're and then

it it grow out


[01:04:55] Paul Blaylock: then


like the

deep the deep ass


[01:04:59] Jeff Nesbitt: Damn plane But yeah


days start start Trek




[01:05:08] Geoff Hylton: so

Mack was talking about that the other day but I haven't I was gonna look into it but I hadn't yet Uh but it


[01:05:34] Paul Blaylock: Yeah Hard for me to write my mind wrong Well that's a crazy thing I don't even think we can like I hear the words aliens


[01:05:41] Jeff Nesbitt: yeah definitely


[01:05:42] Jeff Nesbitt: Gray's gotta be gotta right The Gray's


gray skinned


[01:05:49] Geoff Hylton: hard to kill that's for damn


on now I think


[01:06:41] Paul Blaylock: but I'm really curious on you know Elon he's he's getting some stuff going and is gonna you know make it a little bit more frequent to get out there It seems like I mean his his uh what his uh capsule technology or the uh the landing of what was it a you know not a missile the Falcon heavy you know the way it was able to land and shit and are reusable reusable rockets is is pretty fucking crazy I mean that's insane you know Yeah I mean the the money it costs beforehand to build one of those and they were just throw 'em away I mean Who are you talking


who Elon Musk Musk Okay You know that's




right No that's the um um


[01:07:24] Geoff Hylton: either


[01:07:25] Geoff Hylton: Jim in


[01:07:28] Geoff Hylton: Jim


[01:07:35] Geoff Hylton: no I


I never never never pondered it Um but here let me


a second Well if he ever gets a mortal head wound and survives which would be a pretty reasonable thing cuz he invented Neurolink which I Kind of fixes that kind of thing Really Yeah Um if that happens there are


[01:07:53] Paul Blaylock: Yeah


I don't know why that's that creep me out so bad I kinda wanna scoot away from you a little bit when you said that


[01:08:03] Jeff Nesbitt: I've seen

head wounds

up wouldn't

be fixed by anything

don't mortally wound my head


you ever




[01:08:28] Geoff Hylton: small

10th grade


you thought I


kill you No I didn't think you were gonna kill me it's it's a possibility you punch somebody in the face and they fall and hit their head They die Would you if




it Or





disbelief at



[01:08:46] Paul Blaylock: answering the


[01:08:47] Paul Blaylock: He's definitely walking around the Bush



[01:08:51] Jeff Nesbitt: my

life That's true


I didn't

hurt 'em And other


you think you'll ever get in a fight again













failed that already That's a a personal one I said again Oh Paul what




[01:09:12] Paul Blaylock: I don't

think I'll need one again No I don't care if I


How hard is it for you to avoid a fight Like let's say you're walking through California You're you're in Hollywood I don't Hypothetically you're walking down Hollywood Boulevard and there's a homeless guy Who's clearly mentally ill probably weighs 95 pounds That sounds minority ethnic minority Sure Clearly in poverty poverty's stricken probably very few mental health resources Gotcha I think I couldn't read good at the very least You probably couldn't read Good And uh let's say this is happening You're walking down You're with family You're you're like eight feet up ahead of your wife And she's walking with your young son um Paul Blalock II and piece of This homeless guy walks up and it's crowded Everyone's bumping into everybody and he uh and you turn around just in time to hear him say bitch I'm gonna tell you that's sexy


[01:10:11] Jeff Nesbitt: but wait wait wait But then you hear him say well then you hear your your son say little Paul Blalock The third say mom I think that man just called you a bitch And she's like yeah And he also slapped my as And then he wandered off into the crowd Would you fight that man that mentally ill handicapped homeless man you know who just sexually assaulted



I think a lot of it would have to do

on in front of


wanted Blake luck


[01:10:36] Paul Blaylock: third


would be


If my


me to


do you know


I'd ask


[01:10:41] Paul Blaylock: Well you

don't have time He said to look at the eye


[01:10:43] Paul Blaylock: away Well if he is gonna chase I mean the look Look at


[01:10:50] Geoff Hylton: Yeah


you don't


[01:10:53] Jeff Nesbitt: kids to

go chase

Well do Do you or do you

not do you uh do you leave your kids to pursue this homeless person to beat 'em up Nope I think that's I loved that Or


[01:11:01] Geoff Hylton: it



[01:11:06] Geoff Hylton: only bad things are gonna happen for me


[01:11:09] Geoff Hylton: That's it


[01:11:09] Geoff Hylton: beating him up Um


get the




[01:11:24] Jeff Nesbitt: This is going well


[01:11:31] Marker


[01:11:35] Geoff Hylton: up and check out that Floris up in ocean park


[01:11:39] Paul Blaylock: there's a oh man Right right by Oakies I think she's single


[01:11:46] Jeff Nesbitt: wait wait


[01:11:50] Geoff Hylton: ago Oh that's still that's still going on but uh


[01:11:55] Jeff Nesbitt: I'm fucking lonely dude


[01:12:05] Jeff Nesbitt: can't be stupid about it Well you were telling me that


[01:12:08] Jeff Nesbitt: like fuck I don't wanna


[01:12:13] Jeff Nesbitt: it's too good to but you also it's too good to build


[01:12:19] Jeff Nesbitt: it up Well that probably wouldn't be too


[01:12:26] Paul Blaylock: well let me know if you wanna somebody go in there with you gone the old ladies some flowers


[01:12:40] Paul Blaylock: Well let me know when you wanna do it We're with you


[01:12:55] Jeff Nesbitt: That's right No


[01:13:02] Jeff Nesbitt: fucked up


[01:13:08] Jeff Nesbitt: fixed


[01:13:11] Geoff Hylton: here soon


[01:13:13] Paul Blaylock: I need it to That's great But it like it's kind of blurry Doesn't that Mike fucking give you vertigo or what No no That hand


[01:13:22] Paul Blaylock: You got a blurry phone Not just that Jeff


[01:13:30] Geoff Hylton: em I don't want wear 'em All right


[01:13:34] Paul Blaylock: the persona What happened to the glasses

Here we go here We'll get a little bit more


[01:13:39] Geoff Hylton: into the button up shirt lately I like it


[01:13:45] (Marker) Aging with grace


[01:13:51] Jeff Nesbitt: not

I whole life I am definitely the best friend you could have you but I only have enough room in my life for like


[01:14:08] Geoff Hylton: I was thinking about it And if I got married right now I think uh stuff tough to say Cause everybody goes in waves


[01:14:20] Geoff Hylton: My old man has every hair that he was born with


[01:14:24] Paul Blaylock: lose mine Looks pretty good I gotta receive mine now but I wear a hat every day So it's a tough one Let's check it


[01:14:31] Paul Blaylock: it Yeah I'll pull it out Your dad


[01:14:39] Paul Blaylock: at that Look


[01:14:45] Geoff Hylton: you got what do they call that The widows That's like the


[01:14:51] Jeff Nesbitt: do not have a receding hairline


[01:14:58] Jeff Nesbitt: I don't have a receding hairline a big forehead zero receding hairline No


[01:15:04] Jeff Nesbitt: seem like a and also myself the I'll tell you the little wispy hairs that used to be little blonde baby hairs which I'm sure you had too They all


[01:15:14] Jeff Nesbitt: of the rest of you


[01:15:33] Geoff Hylton: but it SNS out spit comfort fit


[01:15:36] Paul Blaylock: Right And it's I'm not a hash too outside you look good look good They wick moisture Yeah they it does I know you're not much of a hat guy I try Paul we didn't


[01:15:57] Paul Blaylock: born do the Korea too I'll start with the beginning you know um Astoria birth center Um oh yeah Story birth center You told me you're gonna have Rebecca Rebecca Orton I believe name Yeah Yeah She's coming next week Uh I tell you what uh awesome place uh hands down one the best experience we had at all three kids the people there were amazing They were uh tentative uh everything Alyssa asked for or you know could need in any situation They were there for Um


[01:16:27] Paul Blaylock: they were amazing you know Um I mean you know we uh soon as we had the baby I mean they had dinner order for us They had what'd you have we had to sushi Oh wow They brought in dinner they went and picked it up for us Wow


[01:16:44] Paul Blaylock: Why is it different That's the crazy thing Right So you know at the hospital you got like you made it up make it out of boat So they have a baby you know after you have a kid right They have a a certain special selection that you're allowed to pick from Right I think that's what jello is Well you know kind of a little nit baby horrible to the birth center you get a hundred dollar credit If you have a baby there So you can Dinner from wherever you want to uh you get a hundred bucks So we ordered a whole that's right Tray full fucking to sushi It was really choice to sushi Uh shout them too That was delicious Did Alyssa breastfeed Yeah Every


[01:17:24] Paul Blaylock: Oh no Did Anyway you know I tell you what man there was not you know they they weren't really in particular about certain things you know they they were amazing They've how do you not eat fish Yeah exactly We eat fish a lot You know we eat fish a lot too


[01:17:42] Paul Blaylock: Yeah Oh a lot of people we eat a lot of fish you know I mean maybe know


[01:17:50] Paul Blaylock: Like we do I think it's different It's different People love fish There's I'd rather have a steak myself personally It's like I'd rather have a nice T-bone or a rib They fish they eat


[01:18:04] Paul Blaylock: popular Saltwater fish is a but that's like their that's their that's their prime rib Right Like that's their you know their T-bone you know cause they eat that shit all the time


[01:18:17] Jeff Nesbitt: your very favorite favorite seafood or


[01:18:42] Jeff Nesbitt: Popeye like when you eat an elk


[01:18:51] Jeff Nesbitt: the smoke stuff


[01:19:09] Geoff Hylton: here Didn't you do something like you shot his you pissed him off Somehow you shot


[01:19:14] Jeff Nesbitt: day you shot his elk or something


[01:19:20] Paul Blaylock: like that Hey that's no the day was so that morning you and I got no back We showed up daylight on the other side of this this area Right We knew the elk were in this area and we were getting in there and uh we knew the elk were in this certain spot Well we we jolt in after him you know we're trying to get after him We get on top of 'em again Uh I think CJ got a shot off or somebody did right We're at the bottom of this this area where you're pretty much right into a pit you know and nothing nothing was killed So we hike out there that day We get back to CJ's parents' house there and uh April made us some lunch and shit Mm-hmm you know we were up pretty early shout out April I'm sitting on the couch you know about kind of passing out cuz you know been up pretty early I'm just hanging out CJ accidentally loaded his gun twice you know with a muzzle loader that that could blow up in your face So yeah that's not funny He was trying to get it apart and and and clean it out and he's like Hey man just just take off you know go hiking this place And you know they're probably there So I'm like well shit dude I'm not gonna go without you You know And the day before I just got a brand new phone So I left my phone in my truck CJ handed me a walkie talkie I think that was that day I left my phone in my truck and I had a walkie talkie So you know we were trying to to respond and that day it was pouring down rain So I hiked up it was like you know noon or one or something like that pouring down rain And uh you know CJ was like Hey you know I think if you hiked into that area you might find him If not you know gimme a shout We'll we'll meet up soon as you get this gun loaded up I'm right behind you So I took off and uh you know I I start hiking up this area and and I get up top of this hill and there's a whole herd in front of me Well you know mu load hunting in our area you can shoot any sex I think there was if I remember right there's only one bull in the herd and and uh and these these elk were just oblivious to me there because it was pouring down rain I mean just pouring you know it does around here So you know I waited and I had a muzzle loader So the the longer I sit in that pour down rain it might not go off you know And so I sit there and I walk back


[01:21:33] Paul Blaylock: right now right No I this is the steps I took Uhhuh Okay I got you I walked down the hill again I tried to call 'em nothing Walk back up make sure they're still there Still there you know um walk back down again call 'em again

and uh and they were still there So this bowl went broadside at 70 yards or 50 yards I don't even know if it was that far It was like 30 yards I mean it was like right Spitting distance you know in front of me And you know I thought as a friend he would've been mad if I didn't take the shot So I took the shot good friend CJ was just pulling up with his truck and he heard my gunshot you know and he got up there I can see when he got up there he was he ran up the hill you know and and uh and uh you know I didn't know if he was you know he went and chased in the the elk that went up the hill You know that at that time they went up into the clear cut and and or not into the clear cut out of the clear cut you know into the woods but it was a rag horn It wasn't a very nice bull you know but the next year CJ shot shot a nice three point with uh with my gun You know it was kind of weird situation then too you know we were in a weird spot and we were in this area we were hiking around and we didn't uh we didn't have permission to hunt at the time but CJ knew the owner So he was just trying to get ahold of the guy you know and and CJ finally got ahold of the guy but we hiked in there were no guns just to make sure you know we weren't trying to trying to hike on somebody's property with uh no you know without having permission there And CJ got permission in the middle of it and went back to got his guns Well I'm sat there and watched the elk for a while and and Anyway CJ we ended up shooting He ended up shooting this elk inside these just this thickets you know and this is a beautiful three point I think we still have a picture I have a picture of it somewhere Really really beautiful bull Nice But yeah he shot So he shot it with I think he shot first with his gun and then you know cuz muzzle loader takes a minute to load Right You have to load for the barrel and it you know it takes good 30 musket Yeah It's a musket I mean it's that's what it is So he had both of our guns over shoulders you know pulled at it with his gun shot and I think he threw his gun to the ground and then had my gun So it was loaded Ready to go And and then I think he put it down I don't know if he I think he reloaded my gun I think he shot a Dale a couple times you know but he told me the story like he was in the thickets and he had to like jump and lay down on it because it was so thick You know how it is around here you know Yeah When you're in the swamp area it's just like super thick You and a bunch of breaths will change the trajectory of a bullet Oh for sure If you don't have a clear shot you you know you're you're not you're not gonna hit something pretty much cuz it's it's amazing What a little bit of you know a shrubbery will do to a bullet


[01:24:21] Paul Blaylock: same straight line Yeah It moved a little bit Yeah Some other guy came up to us So we we CJ and I found them that day And we've been you know tracking him for a couple days and right Where actually CJ lives now or where he did live you know Oh you were on the peninsula Yeah This is uh oh wow Ocean spray area So that time you know we've been tracking him up and down the peninsula And finally we couldn't find him Couldn't find him couldn't find him It was a big herd you know it was like 50, 56 head or something like that at the time And uh we finally found like a trace We were driving up and down and then you know I think I spotted I think I spotted the the track coming across the road looked like some shit you know messed up on the side of the road and through the gravel Well you kind of see they you know they're pretty good about going single path you know even 56 head So they came across the road in this weird area right above ocean spray And they they came over to a Tucker you know ocean spray bogs there And that's where uh we found 'em way back in the corner of them you know but they were beating up Tucker's bogs back there you know they oh God I heard of elk will just fuck up a garden or cranberry bog Yeah They just trample trample trample So yeah we I sat there and watched him for like two hours that day And then some other guy came and put a shot on him before all of us were ready to shoot on him you know Oh scared of the rest of the way Bullshit you know bullshit move


[01:25:48] Paul Blaylock: lot of it Watch it


[01:25:54] Paul Blaylock: Jesus I'm gonna I'm gonna pour


[01:26:00] Paul Blaylock: feel Is this fine or is this yours Jeff you never it's fine Held me held Ben


[01:26:06] Jeff Nesbitt: how I really


[01:26:13] Jeff Nesbitt: actually


[01:26:22] Jeff Nesbitt: mind


[01:26:25] Geoff Hylton: What what are friends for you Tell me what you think And sometimes I'm like you don't like I like it


[01:26:35] Jeff Nesbitt: all good


[01:26:36] Jeff Nesbitt: Okay Paul So here's the deal ever since we had planned this podcast I've just been keeping a list Sure Every time an idea comes into my head I was like oh that's a conversation I could see being fun with Paul or interesting with Paul or whatever I just write it down So I have a bunch of random ideas and I'm just gonna read them And we don't we have 30 minutes left We don't have enough time to really uh go over all of them But as I go through the list keep mental notes And then um yeah we'll get to the end You just pick which ones you wanna talk about and we'll hear you


[01:27:08] Jeff Nesbitt: All right Some of these are are serious Some of them are silly Some of them are Probably confusing We'll see here we go And feel free to jump in If if you feel uh particularly led to speak about a certain topic what do you want me to do You can you can um chime in as as needed I'll put it like a drink I'll put a finger up Jeff If if uh if I need you to just hush I'll just put a finger up


[01:27:37] Jeff Nesbitt: Other than that feel free to speak freely Okay And take your fucking shirt off What what you just gonna stay closed the whole time Joe put your finger up


[01:27:50] Geoff Hylton: little it is getting a little hot in here I'm not gonna lie


[01:28:03] Geoff Hylton: So you guys bonded at the bachelor party with


[01:28:14] Paul Blaylock: And we just have never even lately we're like fuck we gotta get the families We gotta do


[01:28:29] Paul Blaylock: drinks What do you drinks down the hill The what do you mean down the hill You you and I are up top of that you know you and I are kind on the same level with snowboarding you know Oh that day because I'm new at the hood You're new you know or new I was talking about


[01:28:50] Paul Blaylock: uh forte No I I'm Well you know I'm getting better at it but that was like the third time or second time I've ever been in my life You know me too you survived


[01:29:01] Paul Blaylock: oh thank God I won't be cooked on alone I shit The last literally the last run of the day I that was the hardest I bit you know it's not an easy


[01:29:16] Geoff Hylton: You're hot No I it was hot on the mountain Oh yeah I wanted to take my shirt off on the mountain


[01:29:31] Paul Blaylock: There we go Glad that's I could use that I can use that No it's just go ahead Whip it off Jeff So I'm just gonna list


[01:29:59] Paul Blaylock: I'll hear it Jake's been married for uh three years I think four now is four years Four years


[01:30:13] Paul Blaylock: glisten It's too awkward Wait did they get married before They didn't feel awkward right Not yet Oh yeah Yeah


[01:30:23] Paul Blaylock: think so It was right after Jed though Four years Three and a half Okay Yeah she was


[01:30:30] Paul Blaylock: Yeah Um we love Jed but you know no of course Yeah But how long they've been


[01:30:48] Paul Blaylock: guys Let's do it So which batcher party you cares if it was


[01:30:58] Geoff Hylton: believe in the truth


[01:31:00] Paul Blaylock: there anybody left there's few far between maybe before the Steve roller


[01:31:08] Geoff Hylton: get distracted pretty easily


[01:31:30] Geoff Hylton: drown I can tell you the plan in


Alyssa's really got serious into this lately you know um by there's a hill right behind you You're pretty close Yeah To U street too There's another little hill There is so uh two 70th right So between uh Z street and Sandridge there's a pretty good size hill with three story home on it you know mm-hmm that shit hits the fan or there's a uh uh cell tower cell tower You're right by at the bottom of our road right there you know so you know shit hits the fan That's where you go you know that's crazy to


[01:32:09] Paul Blaylock: is a structure that would survive The fucked up thing is is is when it's gonna happen man it's there Ain't gonna be no time you know 90 minutes or something Well fuck they say what the the the fault is what uh I don't even remember how many miles how many 90 It's not very yeah So if that hits like if you feel the earthquake you're fucked


[01:32:36] Jeff Nesbitt: hard to know


[01:32:40] Jeff Nesbitt: Well


[01:32:43] Paul Blaylock: be getting pulled out I know that's the fuck You know what do you do You can work with mud if you got an airboat


[01:32:51] Geoff Hylton: those are such great We weren't fishing today on a little 12 foot John boat Luke's and we had four people in there like standing up well over the weight limit and there were still tons of freeboard Like those are such good crafts


[01:33:03] Luke and the john boat(Marker)


[01:33:07] Paul Blaylock: I'm just


[01:33:15] Jeff Nesbitt: they would not be pissed Jeff I'm sure


[01:33:25] Jeff Nesbitt: fish


[01:33:44] Jeff Nesbitt: okay we gotta be quiet and Yeah You don't know Hey Jeff blah blah blah okay We're not


[01:33:55] Jeff Nesbitt: cold drunk It's like dude these are five I was like Colten these are $5 lures


[01:34:08] Paul Blaylock: right Was beeping Jeff Huh I hear beeping There's nothing on that screen


[01:34:16] Paul Blaylock: missing us up Okay It's but it's oh you might hear it in there Is it still


Oh there stop


[01:34:27] Jeff Nesbitt: man


[01:34:45] Jeff Nesbitt: God All right I'm


Well so your shirt off ain't gonna a fucking you know God


[01:34:57] Jeff Nesbitt: I


[01:35:03] Geoff Hylton: You got the beep you got the beeping going on still


[01:35:15] Jeff Nesbitt: Pretty crazy He's figured all this stuff


[01:35:20] Jeff Nesbitt: got a lot going on here That's good I remember when this room was fucking bear right I could imagine I painted


[01:35:28] Paul Blaylock: there So that was your little blue square right there No


[01:35:32] Geoff Hylton: like the mountain base of the mountain


job crazy He's figured all this Yeah I did fuck dude That I've been kind of a cool little uh yeah that's cool Like waking looking tape you know Yeah It was fun I really It So this is sounding crazy Now It sounds a lot different


yeah yeah

Yeah That's much better This is how I generally record no cameras Um and I can just see The recording Everything's good But I wanna do video and I don't think my computer can handle the video recording all the time It keeps crashing my computer Yeah I think people like the video I know even though no one no one's watching the videos I'm posting Oh Oh But um I mean some people are like I like 25 views


[01:36:35] Geoff Hylton: downloads are still doing okay Right







[01:36:46] Paul Blaylock: amazing That's the population of fucking the peninsula

Yeah the


peninsula peeps


[01:37:02] Jeff Nesbitt: this list Oh yeah we we're done with the list for now Let's go on Luke




person Yeah He never gotta really be a No that was

oh no that was the shitty


Sad But but


boat right So uh the boat you guys used to use a kid to fish


boat with a motor that Luke

got for his birthday when we were

12 I think we were 12 Um

and it was like a game changer for us Suddenly we had all

this freedom We could be out on the water We had you know two We were we won the Derby the next year Um black lake fishing Derby Um well after Luke died

his parents have kept the

boat and uh Paul's borrowed it a couple times a handful It's been used a handful of times over the last couple years but uh David goes to the same gym I think Chris

goes is there too They're both very committed to the gym actually very fit people Yeah They've been going for years consistently They're always fit but Colton's

there And uh I guess they were remodeling their

garage or stuff like cleaning it out or something like that And uh I don't really talk well not not really but I haven't spoken with Chris or David in years How come it's been years at point That's the whole separate issue It's my it's mostly me Uh part of it a big part of it is my uh anti socialness And you know there's been periods of my life where it's been very it's been


that's been a

really it's been


[01:38:32] Geoff Hylton: But there's there's a lot of

reasons why that hasn't happened and it's it's but they're great people it's it's bad Like I wanna fix things David and

Chris are great


[01:38:40] Geoff Hylton: great

people you

know I'm gonna take most


[01:38:45] Paul Blaylock: talked

No that's just one of those


you know I mean I think

they're frustrated with me which is

totally understandable

Um but I don't think they hate me I certainly don't hate them Um it



it's really


It's the tough that you going around It doesn't matter though Like you're dead Friends'

parents you gotta like it's the right thing to do And like I like them It's not that I don't like them It's we don't need keep going on this I don't wanna keep I don't wanna get off I don't wanna get off the topic here So um and I don't wanna just keep talking about them when they're not here



know bees ejaculate to


[01:39:37] Paul Blaylock: it

that's pretty


You know I

tell you though Luke's boat that thing's been caught some serious fish in it's day that boat we used to fish uh we actually launched that fucker from a Naton

boat launch Right So Naton in the the Columbia River That picture you had actually on there Right So the why I know that place So uh Luke and I went halves on this outboard when we were kids and uh we spent 250 bucks a piece a piece of shit but it ran sometimes you know and we decided to strap this bitch on and we're gonna head out into the Columbia and go Sturge fishing back on Stu fishing was open pretty often know in June And so

Luke and I motor out from Naton boat launch all the way across to the fucking uh right in front of the maritime

in in a 12 foot jump and a 12 foot jumbo There's what's an motor No it was oh you you get It was a 10 It's old Evan

route you know it's rated


[01:40:37] Paul Blaylock: of shit I mean it run more the shit anyways we made our way over there Right And we switched spots twice Well so happened to me Luke and I cuz Luke that motherfucker could smell the I mean he was always on the fish that dude knew where fishing was you him and I went back and forth in some places

you know where good fishing and you know even Jeff could to probably intervene in this you know there's certain places where

each one of us had our knack right


[01:41:04] Paul Blaylock: Luke's a he was a hella fish He changed my fishing

perspective in so many different ways He loved it Let me love sport fishing You know Luke is the reason why I love sport fishing and I still have Luke He's the reason

why I

hate it


[01:41:20] Paul Blaylock: wanna to go


[01:41:22] Paul Blaylock: well when I was young you know it was my band did commercially He



do that


[01:41:27] Geoff Hylton: We got

its like

pulled twisted

his arm



[01:41:46] Paul Blaylock: Yeah


like what makes somebody a good like commercial fisherman and that's like one of those things we either have or don't like he he generally got so joyful and excited from

fishing being but he's being on the water and



[01:42:29] Geoff Hylton: curiosity's just killing me



please about these uh ejaculating bees to death bees ejaculating death Yeah Would that be a good way to go or a bad way to



well let me give it a just so I don't it it wrong I would love to talk about it it I'm gonna Google bees Jack you late to death research reveals They can literally ejaculate themselves to death Just the males in






complicates things for me because it seems like they might die

anyway Right It's

extreme They


happen to

be ejaculating

Yeah In the heat I don't know Um when the male worker bees are subjected to very high temperatures their bodies begin

to convulse which forces them to

ejaculate Their abdomen sized penis equivalent out of

their body Abdomen size die from the shock Dang That's big That's






would've Forcefully

ejaculated to death from The heat Like what That sucks Would've


[01:43:45] Paul Blaylock: builds


you know





[01:44:03] Geoff Hylton: uh once stung me wings off a bud days ago



must have gotten crushed it or something They're nice They're like little

it was little






deadly I was I was afraid for my


[01:44:56] Geoff Hylton: don't have a

choice I'm gonna do whatever

the hell


with I know you asked me that you over our sweat shop Yeah Yeah Yeah And I still I thought about it but you thought about it though and I haven't come up with good yet I wanna put you through a Bay job You might

have to give

me a and put into state Maybe another

time here you know maybe we'll reconvene one of these uh you know sessions here and we'll do Wild and I'll come up with something Do my idea I like I like that idea become a tree


coming up with a good idea


that though but



trees he could be



Alden's B


put into a burlap sack clutching a uh an evergreen tree of some kind but most likely a Western red Cedar I'm gonna go with the blue right time of here is there such a thing

There is


[01:45:45] Jeff Nesbitt: honestly

I don't care I'm dead Whatever tree it is is is is no part really no problem but oh shit Just don't fucking embalm

me That is gross


Yeah I you know that's a tough

one But if you


up no it

is gross But if you saw

the natural decomposition process of a human body too you would think that's just as



would I need to see it though Put it


see any people getting


[01:46:10] Geoff Hylton: either

I don't


No I know


know Whatever Whatever you feel is good Afterwards my point is

be part of something


the So you might as well put my body to use like by letting bugs and worms




[01:46:35] Paul Blaylock: some


one last



no I'm not saying saying that's the problem with that I'm just saying




but a tree

but I thought it



you What if that's what they





Yeah Yeah Most


decision not

the deceased


Well unless you have something right out right

man even then

Yeah really



they're paying

people do





[01:47:02] Paul Blaylock: whoever


gorilla racks

with ashes that people have never




ashes go get some ashes If you want something They've got


bunch Yeah

That is sad Yeah Right That is really sad


just have





Damn man that's


dude That's that's that's


[01:47:39] Paul Blaylock: Shit that be hard


[01:47:41] Geoff Hylton: That's

a harsh reality the world tough A lot of people die Alone and nobody sad or a lot of people die with people that




or shoot don't tip


made the claim that a good massage can make you

taller Can you



Well so um

I uh

rub your Dick twice on a full moon That's it So well the mass I went to at

the time Um can you calluses still


[01:48:24] Paul Blaylock: Therapist Okay Well you're not same He was great Uh his uh his name was uh Paul Ella from uh Zephyr massage Is that a he's got a place in ocean park




[01:48:38] Jeff Nesbitt: let him


[01:48:38] Jeff Nesbitt: Jeff


know I could probably be taller



did it work I I didn't go consistently So




actually making


[01:49:10] Paul Blaylock: taller It it's you know your natural height is is what it is Right But uh your your muscles decide everything differently Right So do you my work is you know does certain things to my back and my lower body and my hips and and and you need to be stretched out need to go in the reverses It's tough It's tough Have


[01:49:31] Paul Blaylock: um


just a


[01:49:37] Jeff Nesbitt: I thought about doing that It seems like it'd feel good If you have a horse with a lot of control somebody who really got the relationship down and like Hannah who could just like say Hey crack this guys back for me Pull those scapula out a little bit They're just compressed


a little little tight Yeah Just pull you out a little bit I've I've thought about it Well you know I did go to him a couple times he He he did a couple few things that you know it different leaving there you know and and certain um you know uh muscle and tendons that you didn't understand I never understood as a person you know like uh your shoulder blades that get that get pinched with your forearms your forearm has a tendon that actually reaches all the way to your shoulder blades

That if you too many across your body

motions you know which we do a lot uh long

line into your bait and tubs and that's That's what happens you know you're you're constantly pulling across your body or or gut fish or anything like that that will actually tenses up your back of your shoulder Bay in your upper back which will actually make you hunch you know So that sucks bait and tubs is a is a fucking thing It's a it's a it's a long tedious yeah shit hole you know Yeah What does that

mean You're putting bait on hooks You know and when

you're 300


skate for example and it like black cods stone every six inches halibut


30 So uh black Cod was uh you know black Cod or Hait tubs are every 36 inches Most black Most black Cod is Yeah It's pretty skinny inside there


you know you have

you have


bait on

you to lay it down certain way

tub and you're you're on the back deck of a



baiting tubs then you're stuck at baiting


That's That's

all you do

So do you

do you


[01:51:22] Paul Blaylock: it

As in like you know suck at it Just on purpose little bit

on purpose Yeah



[01:51:30] Paul Blaylock: if you sandbag




If you sandbag certain things

you're only yourself Yeah


something else so it


come up Yeah But it only goes cer you know that only goes so far Right Because well what's another


that sounds also funny




[01:51:52] Jeff Nesbitt: That's not that funny What do you got Paul


[01:51:53] Geoff Hylton: fish over




funny No I said it should be funny I don't have to do everything you say Well that's my show So




Oh okay Well you know we over the rail right You know that's where it's at you know over the rail is the funny part The same

Thing's that's the that's the fun part



gotta do what he says

nothing It's gotta be funny


about I guess gut fish over the rail I

know Coiling


diaper the diaper on a diaper


[01:52:22] Paul Blaylock: There's


[01:52:23] Paul Blaylock: That's

funny Yeah we have we we coil skates into diapers What are skates So skate bottoms is what you call 'em and that's a skate skated gear is X amount of fathoms Per tub right Or skate bottom

And that's how you long So every every set has X amount of skates per set that you fish you know in Alaska the boat I worked on most of the time we would make three mile sets So we'd have 30 tubs per per set Right So uh you know so every skate bottom was or every tub we fish tub gear which is a little different than skate bottoms And there were 200 hooks skates So you'd fish uh you know 30 tubs per set So you'd have to bat was 6,000 hooks per

set you know and you would you would that was what you

fish for for black cotton You'd do that three times a day No they got

I was wrong


[01:53:23] Geoff Hylton: talk

more No they got

auto autos


sorry I was just






the hooks


They get an Yeah Yeah no it's it's a tough history It's a it's a monotonous

fucking the time





[01:53:44] Geoff Hylton: BA it up Uh well like It was like three or four days The first time we bait it up like


[01:53:54] Geoff Hylton: it

and then


day you gotta start doing it again


right And you're out there and you gotta keep

doing it you know


Luckily I wasn't really good at

it So


for I gotta take piss one go time Yeah go for it


dog One more time Bladder

of a




Oh man now




[01:54:22] Jeff Nesbitt: good

I'm sorry about how horrible this is gone two times


[01:54:27] Jeff Nesbitt: it

sucks here but I feel like I must have destroyed my computer

somehow It's

just not working anymore


[01:54:41] Jeff Nesbitt: can I write anything

I don't know





[01:54:49] Paul Blaylock: what should we do


handwriting Nope That's Scott Me and Scott have some



athletic right


that The original uh

the original pole I won Three or four things

and Ali won a couple and then everybody found out they were dating And Amy sabotaged everything and I only got one


that over and that again


got athletic and



[01:55:49] Paul Blaylock: Damn dog


[01:55:54] Geoff Hylton: No way Yep That's mine for sure No Truly it's a me I'm audio

and there's










sex the day Did




[01:56:33] Paul Blaylock: I

don't know if I can't



[01:56:36] Jeff Nesbitt: I




Okay Here I wanna set a precedent for the rest of the so I don't

have to feel stressed about it Paul's the the Jeff is a is a cameo So we have to try to let Paul talk cuz we me and you have talked we've dominated this episode man We have to let Paul talk more Um


[01:56:54] Jeff Nesbitt: also a lot We don't wanna let him

talk too much No because he'll start talking about again And if he does we gotta redirect


[01:57:05] Jeff Nesbitt: Jeff


what you're saying





[01:57:09] Geoff Hylton: I will try




All right


Are we on no video now That's the beauty of it

God I


shirts off I wish I could remember if we got the the uh part about the bachelor party Not I know we lost chunk out

of the middle somewhere in the

fucking crash And again


Did let's talk about current events How about that you guys know of anything going


world You know um No you've been following Putin No me either Uh you know I I have honestly uh I've kind of shut the news off man It's really tough to watch You don't know what station travel Yeah I well we travel We travel locally you know so it's

uh you travel locally and we go to smaller places and you know we try to stay in the little towns and and uh Keeping it that way I don't know I try not to to keep up too much with current events in in the world man because it's depressing It really is you know years ago I remember Alyssa and I were watching the fucking news and it was three days in a row There was either a killing of a fucking shooting of some sort or or or you know what I mean It's every day day God's never let that there's nothing good to fucking hear from the news No you know and I know that's current events you know Yeah They

don't they don't have



[01:58:42] Paul Blaylock: with nice


and I get that's news but fuck you know God damn there's nothing good to hear from the world And I tell you what it's not like I'm trying to be in my own little bubble over here but I just don't care to hear about it all Yeah You know everything's going good My my neck of the woods uh you know we we we stay that way and and uh uh love our little neck of the woods you know I mean it it has ups and downs you know but uh I'm sure it's all as we all

do but you know


Holy shit And they're listening to this Um what

would you

say to


[01:59:40] Paul Blaylock: man You know could you consider what uh how much time's gonna change from now to then think about when I don't we were kids I have no idea what it'll be like Think about when we were kids to now you know the nineties shit man what do you say Right Like I I I look at it in a perspective of being a dad and and and thinking about uh you know that's one of the reasons why I don't watch the news It's just there's too much bad shit in the world to and it and it's so It's so open for everybody to see constantly right Like social media There's there's there's there's never a break I I just feel like when we were kids there was always a break Like you could always fucking go ride your bike or go fucking sport fishing or you know we could you I remember didn't have a choice We we we go open the woods and it would just be three man We'd go up there and it It was just us Right You know like there wasn't phones involved we didn't have fucking phone Then that was we get dropped off at at this time And they would pick us up at that time you know And that was

it you know much simpler time man I I just can't even





but you

know I


leaving to




That's what I would

say I'd say


I'm serious


completely serious


about it

I am too


to as an individual day to day to change



day you know And it

has no

there's no benefits from it you know especially especially I cannot imagine being a Highschool or a junior high kid nowadays There's no break man There's yeah that I don't Could you imagine a of benefits being a kid that gets bullied or or whatever it is right I mean That's that's what happens nowadays Right You know and and and it carries on into social

media and and where social media means so much to kids you know um their their their their view on how they look on social media and and all those things Like that's that's that means so much to to all these kids nowadays And it's how old that how


do you think you'll give your

kid to


[02:03:08] Jeff Nesbitt: her have time or anything


that She steals the phone every now and

again I fucking rip that goddamn thing out her phone cannot I just don't want it I don't

want it You know I







me out You know we at

nighttime even you know my kids got the Roku in their in their rooms Right So they can get on and or whatever but it's straight PBS kids You know it's that's all they can watch And PBS kids has many good shows and they've actually taught me shit That's good from PBS kids Kids is great right Like uh you know they've taught

me quite a few things is

Wild Krats PBS kids wild


[02:03:49] Paul Blaylock: you

Wild Krats man man Huge fan of Wild Krats I've learned so much from the wild Krats CRAs same with They will come down guy Jeffrey


[02:03:56] Paul Blaylock: should

watch it



[02:04:00] Paul Blaylock: I mean they have taught very


[02:04:03] Paul Blaylock: in uh they have taught me so much about animals and


Corwin level And


races its



[02:04:23] Paul Blaylock: following me Exactly Exactly So that to me is amazing You know it's cool There's good things with technology and there's there's great things with technology but fuck man I I and the Wild Krats are both technology's scary you know as a parent uh I don't know I don't know It's uh it's a really tough

thing for to digest Right

Do you guys do virtual


at your





like games

or the

meta quests No no

Oculus quest I thought about buying Oculus Um just to they're fun I've heard I've heard that And I I wanted to do it for the light saber the beat saber whatever it was but uh uh Alyssa kind of shot me down on that So they're very expensive They're they're they're well if you consider what gaming systems cost like you know same

price usually I mean it's





Xbox these


[02:05:20] Paul Blaylock: a thousand bucks Oh No I mean PS fives a thousand bucks you know Wow Yeah Do you play video

games Jeff


Xbox to Paul Like



Paul um uh you know uh I did actually right when I got His X Xbox you know he had one laying

around I'm like well fuck are you gonna use

a man

You know hook me up Then he hit me up

And And


[02:05:52] Paul Blaylock: play was


[02:05:53] Paul Blaylock: I'll tell you what

it was That's what happened to me the I brought it




have a






done with


it's 40


Yeah For me you know like Xbox especially I loved halo

when I was a kid I mean I I love to play you know uh 10, 12, 13, 14 you know that halo I loved playing halo So I thought I'd be cool to get Xbox at the house and and uh you know and try halo out and and But no it's not the same It's it's not the same Like shit's changed so much I mean it still's charging me every month now actually you know we pay for the game and you pay for the game pass you go pass or whatever Yeah man then you gotta you know it just things changed Yeah Things have changed It's it's it's a different world and and it and it I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing in some ways but uh as a parent I do you know it's a little intimidating as parent It's scary man Uh you know I just I think about it in relativity to kids trying to grow up and uh you I try to limit all that shit because

I don't we used to use our imaginations and go outside and find a stick whack something Pick I've I've tried to give my kids the most

I used hit a free and I still battle them every

day Sometimes you know Well I you know they come up to me even before I came here you know I'm bored Well I don't I don't care that you're bored you know go yeah Why are you go find some me Why are talking me with your board I got a pool in the backyard I got I got a jungle

gym at a clubhouse I got I got fucking quads for you to get you know I mean I have so much for you guys to do I what do you want me to do I'm not it's not my job to keep you guys occupied you know And I think that's something as

a you know as a parent that's it's a tough cause there's so much is this is this you





[02:08:33] Jeff Nesbitt: difference

I think

for sure I my parents didn't keep me on pet either They would get real mad if I


they And that's something that's uh I don't do that shit I don't get mad at 'em you know necessarily but it's I I I try to put things in perspective for 'em too Like You know listen I have all these things for you guys to do you know you guys are

you guys are more than content with you know find something to do You know what I mean Yeah

As a


Would like to do yeah Like hobbies and then also spending time with people you love including kids Like all that stuff has fit in that extra time Yeah And uh yeah you

to prioritize it So and the kids they they want it to be on their time Like so if it comes when you're relaxing but I to spend as much time as possible just hanging with the kids doing kind of what they want to do But you know I don't know I don't know if there's a I don't know if I believe in spoiling a kid So much with like with time I with time and and attention I don't think you spoil a kid the way that you

can with

like presence



kids Well you know a lot of for me too is is uh is toys that I've gotten them you know in some ways right So you know uh uh motorcycles and and quads and you know all this shit takes up All this shit takes turning wrenches and a travel trailer And you know all these things take and require work you know So if we wanna go do this well it's gonna it's gonna take my time to fix this or do that and to to carry on you know what I Or do they ever try to help you

and then no


[02:10:24] Jeff Nesbitt: but then it becomes like

seven more


Well I I have to say my kids are pretty good about that You know they know when

they've uh Maybe sometimes overstay there welcome you know in some ways

you know what can I do now dad What


[02:10:36] Paul Blaylock: What can I do now

And I appreciate in in a lot of

ways I do um

you know it's cute It





on you know So


you teach '


how to do that Kind of as you go I mean let 'em watch


do it and


ways talk about what's going on Yeah because I want them to understand that it's not just Hey we gotta go here and then have all this fun and then come back home You know No it takes all this effort To do all these things you know and I don't just buy brand new shit And we go to these places you know like I have fun on a on a budget in a lot of ways you know And I I try to find things that sometimes it bites me in the ass you know and I gotta do A lot more work than I wanted to or but we still have a lot of fun you know Yeah And and and I try to I try get the most out of it for for as little money as I gotta spend you know because in a lot of ways I never had that when I was a kid you know and and and I try to give that to them but I try to make them respect that in so many ways because it's you know it doesn't just happen for free also but it also takes some time and effort You know and this time and effort that's well spent because look at how much fun we have when all that time and effort's spent you know what I mean So um you made Good memories like that Good memories man and and something with camping for us is fuck We a lot of great memories with camping because camping is is one of those things that uh it's really hard to be And I I love camp and it We enjoy Alyssa and I And uh we We've done a lot of it and we enjoy it We enjoy the shit out of it you know And uh we stopped tent camping for a while ago You know we do a little bit of tent camping here on the island or we'll go to Brookfield We went to Brookfield to think of that We bought a travel trailer you know so having a tent camp for us is uh where you go the parents can I'm trying to think We bought a travel trailer you know mm-hmm so having a travel trailer you get to where you're going The parents can actually enjoy themselves You know we don't have to set up all this shit to to have fun camping you know and and we get enjoy these beautiful places by just pulling in setting up and you know mommy and daddy get to have a drink here and or or you know enjoy ourselves Do you are


[02:13:17] Paul Blaylock: Well that's you know that's a tough one You


[02:13:20] Paul Blaylock: hu voices and quiet with the kids around you Well that's you know that's a tough one You know the trailer's rocking how voices and quiet strokes are what it's a tough one you know get 'em knocked out You gotta wear the shit out trade Huh That's it You know you gotta get 'em knocked out You gotta wear the shit out of them You know what I mean And it always happens camping because you're always you usually have a busy fucking day every day either in the sun Or or or you know we'll go in the wintertime we'll go up to Mount hood and we'll play in the snow all day or you know what I mean So it's it's it's always busy Every time we go camping it's always busy you know and and we have just as much fun as they do you know they do you know something as parents that we enjoy just as much you know you know enjoyed that cuz we've we've traveled to places that that's fun for us you know and we've always enjoyed that cuz we've we've traveled to places that now I mean um before I went to Alaska this year we went to Yosemite national It was it was it looks awesome man fully recommend going to Yosemite I mean it was gorgeous It was it was looks awesome Man It was like straight out of a painting or or or or you know it looked like a Jurassic park movie We came around this corner man And you you would look into this valley and it was fucking beautiful There was five waterfalls coming off mountaintops and sh I mean it was you couldn't even speak of it It was amazing you know so being able to go see those places and and having a travel trailer makes it down a little bit but Inexpensive I mean yeah you gotta pay for fuel I mean fuel right now you you know It's going back down a little bit but yeah You know uh we paid shitload fuel you know Yeah Man California was six 50 or something like that for diesel time Well sounds All right guys Well we

should probably wrap this


been a pleasure


this drink


so much for coming has been a pleasure Any closing thoughts


[02:15:10] Jeff Nesbitt: Oh


Oh the



[02:15:23] Paul Blaylock: throw it away What's Tansy


[02:15:32] Paul Blaylock: I'll show you


find it right away


[02:15:39] Jeff Nesbitt: right guys Thank you for bearing with me through the technical difficulties This was a difficult it



[02:15:44] Jeff Nesbitt: Thank you for bearing with me through the technical difficulties This was a difficult it was


[02:15:50] Jeff Nesbitt: And Yeah Twice in a row

That's all


[02:15:54] Jeff Nesbitt: really appreciate it And uh thank you so much




but thank you guys It will end up a good


[02:16:09] Geoff Hylton: my barking


well later

what time is it Anyways 9 39 Oh Jesus Jeff Oh you fucking primadonna

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About the Podcast

Ramble by the River
With Jeff Nesbitt
1. walk for pleasure, typically without a definite route.
2. talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way.

Ramble by the River (Ramblebytheriver.com) is about becoming the best human possible.

Join me and my guests, as we discuss the blessing that is the human experience. Ramble by the River is about finding an honest path to truth without losing our sense of humor along the way. It is about healing from the trauma of the past and moving into the next chapter of life with passion.

Common topics include: personal growth, entertainment, pop-culture, technology, education, psychology, drugs, health, history, politics, investing, conspiracies, and amazing personal stories from guests.

What does it mean to be a person? Is there a right or wrong way to do it? How has our species changed to accommodate the world that we have so drastically altered? What defines our generation? Where are we going? What is coincidence? Is time a mental construction? What happens after death? Which Jenifer is better looking (Lopez or Anniston)?

Tune in to any one of our exciting upcoming episodes to hear a comedian, a New York Times Best-Selling author, a fancy artist, a plumber, the Mayor of a large urban metropolis, a cancer survivor, a Presidential candidate, Jeff's dad, a female bull-riding champion, the founder of a large non-profit charity organization, Elon Musk, a guarded but eventually lovable country musician, a homeless guy, a homeless woman, a commercial fisherman, a world-renowned photo-journalist, or Kanye West.

When you go on a ramble, you never know where you are going to end up. All you can do is strap-in and enjoy the ride!
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Jeff Nesbitt

Jeff Nesbitt is a man of many interests. He is infinitely curious, brutally honest, and genuinely loves people. Jeff grew up in a small coastal community in the Pacific Northwest and after college he moved back to his hometown to start a family. When the Covid-19 crisis hit in 2020, regular social engagement was not an option, and Jeff realized that the missing ingredient in his life was human connection. So, like the fabled Noah and his Ark, Jeff started building a podcast studio without knowing what his show would actually be. Before the paint was even dry, Jeff start recording interviews with interesting friends, and Ramble by the River was born.